Sunday, February 1, 2015

Fabien Barral: Design Extraordinaire

French graphic designer Fabien Barral in 2008 joined forces with his wife Frédérique to create Harmonie intérieure, a business and brand that pushes poster and wall sticker design beyond the limits we expect from a commercial undertaking. Passionate by typography and printing, he founds in Polish Marek Rojek, founder of Lettera Magica the perfect associate to print his design in letterpress.

Marek Rojek is the next generation that is faithful to the tradition of printing. He lets this very old technique of printing be born again in XXI century.  Lettera Magica is a letterpress studio in Cracow, Poland which creates printings that join together love for tradition, perfection, patience and respect for nature. Most of them are done on an ecological paper – 100% cotton, with ecological inks. No tree was cut for a paper that is used in Lettera Magica. 

Fabien Barral and Marek Rojek created 300 limited edition hand numbered calendars for 2011 strictly for design enthusiasts

More of his amazing work at:

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