Sunday, March 22, 2015

Midterm Guesstimates Sent

Everyone should have gotten an email from me in the past few days that shows where you are at this point in the semester. All of this can change since you still have 5 weeks to go before it's over.

Insure that you keep up your momentum and your creativity.  If you aren't happy with a grade then let me know and we'll come up with a solution. What I want you to have the most is the satisfaction that you did your very best and your work should demonstrate that as well.

There are still a lot of assignments to get through and with limited number of days so the work needs to come faster and with more precision.  Don't lose faith. Keep your sense of humor and work through whatever problems you encounter.  Everything you are doing is for yourself and your future as a designer (or just as a creative soul.)

Find your authentic voice. You do that by working relentlessly and by being engaged in what you are doing.

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