Tuesday, January 20, 2015

AIGA Student Pin Up Show This Saturday - Enter


The AIGA/Atlanta Student Pin-Up Show is upcoming this coming Saturday evening and I am writing you as we really want to get a great turnout for it. If you will might you advertise it about and get behind it with all your students that would be wonderful. It is Saturday evening over at Big Studio at King Plow and it promises to be great.

This year there are close to $5000 in awards for the students. And we have opened up the categories to be even more inclusive with not only graphic design, both 2D and 3 D, but also photography, illustration, web design, and two new categories one for brand new students who've just started in school, and the other for a 'best use of materials. Plus there are some excellent judges. 

It should be a lot of fun for the students. We need to get behind this in a big way and it's the reason I am writing you to please celebrate this about with your students and faculty in that they might make be aware of it and encouraging to the students to attend. 

I am enclosing the link for the AIGA-Atlanta website which has all the information: http://atlanta.aiga.org/event/aiga-student-pinup-show/

And if you or anyone has any questions please just reach out to me and I will get right back to them. 

Hank Richardson, Director of Design, Portfolio Center

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