Saturday, January 10, 2015

Writing a Creative Brief

There are many ways to create a Creative Brief.
You are a designer so design one that best fits your needs. Remember, everything you do from here on out is a reflection of your design skills and how you feel about being a designer.

Each of you will write an initial creative brief for your client and this brief will be turned in with your boarded logos for critique Understandably these will change and evolve and you'll end up writing and rewriting them over and over. It's part of the process.

These can be single sheet printed and do not have to be attached to the back of the logo boards unless you wish to do so. Your choice. Loose leaf or adhered to the reverse logo board.

I'm posting some from previous designers that might assist you in your writing.
Again, it's got to come from your own POV (point of view) since it's your client.

A Creative Brief can vary from client to client.
A Creative Brief is a "road map" to insuring the integrity of your re-branding.
A Creative Brief will change and grow as you go forward. You will continue to write and rewrite this brief.

In the beginning it is just the "Big Picture" of what you hope to accomplish.
Be as specific as you can with this knowing you will add and delete some of the specifics as you get more involved with the client. You'll have a better understanding of the client as you grow it. You will write one final creative brief at the end that actually does represent all that you did during the semester for the client.
Everyone does this. Your final creative brief will be tailored to your completed work...and hopefully the entire rebranding campaign will demonstrate your overall strengths as a designer. Logo Design, advertising, specialty collateral work and anything else you feel might strengthen the brand you've designed.

Your Name: (you could even design the stationery for your creative brief if you wish)

Client Name: Name of your client

Client Information: Some Background about the client and why you felt a redesign was in order for this specific company.

Creative Strategy:
"ReBranding for Stillness Yoga and Wellness"

What's the big picture of your rebranding campaign?

What is the objective? Strengthen the brand? Grow the clientele? Both?

A concise statement of the effect the ad should have on consumers. Typically expressed as an action. And frequently focused on what the ad should make the audience think, feel, or do. What's the single most important thing to say about this client?

Target audience: who are you talking to?

The more precise and detailed the better. Go beyond age and sex to describe demographics and psychographics. Explain how the audience currently thinks, feels and behaves in relation to the product category, the client's brand, and the client's specific product or services.

List of what you plan to deliver in this rebranding campaign.

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