Thursday, January 15, 2015

Post MLK Poster Critique Notes

If you would like the chance to revise or start a new design then these will be due on Wednesday January 21st. Some suggestions:

1. Make sure the composition is compelling visually. Create the kind of visual that really demonstrates the narrative you wish. (Celebration/Inspiring/Memorial/Somber, etc.) If your text/type is somber then the image too should be somber. Don't clash two aesthetics because one drowns out the other.

2. Be careful of putting type above and below an image (sandwiching the image)

3. Type can (and should) be scaled when using various text/type in areas on a composition.

4. Don't overuse your "chosen" type...meaning, if you use a Serif typeface for the Headline/Quote or whatever, then use another typeface (san serif) perhaps for the supporting copy/text. Again, scale each for their dramatic effect.

5. Color can be important even if you use it just once. For instance if you choose to use black text and black/white illustration/image then perhaps your text can be a "blackish red" or a "blackish blue"....adding just a little difference to the design mix.
It works. Don't always go to black for effect.

7. Make sure your text isn't too close to the edge of your paper. Let it breathe.

8. Your GSU logo should not be in a box. I'm enclosing a b/w version that you can use as well if you choose. When you use just the "G" flame logo for GSU make sure you also use the corresponding text that says "Georgia State University." Many people don't know what the "G" stands for. 

9. If you use the GSU logo then you don't need to use Georgia State University anywhere else in your design. It's redundant. You don't have to put Atlanta, GA on your designs. Optional.

10. Figure out what works best with your design: UPLC or All CAPS. Don't overuse either if you have a lot of text.

11. Finally, Don't decorate but you can choose items like "lines/underlines" for decorative and dramatic effect. Be wary of using dingbats for effect if you don't need them.

Less really is more if it's the scale is right and the visual effect is right.
Stage your composition. Each image and each text and logo are characters on a stage who have a presence. There should be one "star" and one focus point with supporting characters to assist in delivering your clear visual message.

P.S.  Don' forget to Bring 3 examples of what you are considering for your client this semester to redesign. These need to be independent businesses/mom&pop type business. Vary your choices for more possibilities.  Put these chosen examples on your blog. You can take pics of them inside and out and/or show their current logo and be able to discuss why you want to redesign them. Look around and think about what possibilities you can have as you redesign these clients.

Also put some of your Best work from last semester on your blog and also 5 Best and 5 Worst logo designs on your blogs

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